Saucepoint's Template
Saucepoint's TemplateSaucepointA template repository offering a starting point for crafting Uniswap V4 hooks, inclusive of essential files and contracts. Facilitates custom hook creation to execute arbitrary code during swaps.Created by Saucepoint
Nick Addison's Template
Nick Addison's TemplateNick AddisonThis template encapsulates a hook with an embedded factory to mine addresses and produce trace diagrams. Facilitates custom hook creation to mine addresses and trace.Created by Nick Addison
Lucas Martin Calderon's Template
Lucas Martin Calderon's TemplateLucas Martin CalderonA template designed for the ETHGlobal Hackathon, offering the capacity to create custom hooks for specific liquidity pool provisioning.Created by Lucas Martin Calderon
SolidityLabs' Template
SolidityLabs' TemplateSolidityLabsFoundry-backed template tailored for the development of custom pools in Uniswap v4 with hooks.Created by SolidityLabs
Arrakis' Playground
Arrakis' PlaygroundArrakisFinanceA web-oriented application platform for interacting with hooks, allowing for hook functionality testing by simulating swaps or diving deeper into hook operations.Created by ArrakisFinance