EthCC Paris Hookathon
HedgevanillaHillRisk management strategies using hooks. The project showcases how hedging mechanisms can mitigate price volatility risks in a trader's portfolio.Created by vanillaHill
Median Price Oracle
Median Price OraclesaucepointAn initial exploration of a median price oracle that is more resistant to manipulation than TWAP. It includes an approximation algorithm where a running median can provide substantial gas efficiency on both read and write.Created by saucepoint
Dynamic Fee
Dynamic FeeArrakisFinanceAdjusts with the goal of cutting LP losses to arbitrageurs, and an implementation of a shared fungible liquidity position (similar to a vault).Created by ArrakisFinance
Trading Hours
Trading HoursbennopriceTraditional market opening/closing hours to a Uniswap v4 pool using a beforeSwap hook. Users are only able to trade between 8am and 4pm.Created by bennoprice
Impermanent Loss Hedge (Makemake)
Impermanent Loss Hedge (Makemake)makemake-kboA hook to explore ways to hedge impermanent loss for LPs by buying out of the money call options on the underlying asset. When liquidity is added to the pool, the hook is called & executes a purchase of the req. amount of calls in Lyra options protocol.Created by makemake-kbo